Acne and acne scars

Acne is an extremely common skin condition that affect a large number of individuals, especially teenagers and young adults.

The main affected area is the face. It causes spots and greasy, oily skin.

The spots can be of different types such as: black heads, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts.

Often, once the lesions have resolved, following acne treatment, extensive deep  scarring can be seen, on multiple areas of the face. 

These scars can be severely affecting a person’s confidence.


Available Medical aesthetic Treatments for acne scars

The good news is that acne scars can be effectively treated by a combination of aesthetic treatments such as:

Microneedling, on its own or in conjunction with Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP)

Polynucleotides injections

LED phototherapy




The treatment is performed using SkinPen, the only FDA approved microneedling device on the market.

The device uses 14 smooth Japanese needles in a cartridge tip. The needles offer super precision sharpness to prevent tearing of the skin.

All the needles are the same length, and the needle depth can be adjusted in the cartridge head from 0.25 mm up to 2.5 mm.

Prior to the treatment, a Lidocaine cream is applied onto the skin for 20 minutes, to render the treatment as comfortable and painless as possible.

It’s very well tolerated, with most people reporting only mild discomfort.

SkinPen is the only microneedling device with an ultrasonically sealed base; this prevents bodily fluid from entering the pen, eliminating the risk of any cross contamination.

The aim of this treatment is to stimulate your own body’s repair mechanisms via new collagen formation, to achieve skin regeneration, rejuvenation and tightening.

This treatment can be done in combination with Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP)

What is Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) and how does it work?

Plasma is the liquid part of blood that provides a vehicle for red cells, white cells and platelets to circulate throughout the body.

Platelets are blood cells responsible for clot formation and they are essential for the body’s regenerative, healing process. They are very rich in growth factors whci stimulate new collagen and elastin production. The result is a smooth, healthy, young, glowing looking skin. 

PRP is obtained by taking a sample of your blood that is then spun in a centrifuge for few minutes, to separate the red cells, that get discarded, form the plasma containing platelets.

The PRP obtained is then  microneedled into the chosen area to treat.



Polynecleotides are a sequence of nucleotides, as in DNA or RNA, bound into a chain and incapsulated into an injectable gel.

Once injected they target Fibroblasts cells and stimulate them to increase Collagen and Elastin production. 

They are a Regenerative Medicine tool.

They have several biological effects such as:

  • Stimulation of cells proliferation, especially fibroblasts
  • Skin regeneration and tissue repair
  • Collagen and Elastin synthesis
  • Hyaluronic Acid synthesis
  • Increased skin hydration
  • Angiogenesis induction (new blood vessels production)
  • Melanogenesis inhibition

The result will be an improvement in skin quality with a significant reduction in the appearance of scars.


LED Phototherapy

LED Phototherapy is a fantastic non-invasive treatment that uses therapeutic light energy to trigger the skin natural rejuvenation and repair processes. It’s completely painless and has no downtime.

Our skin has the ability to absorb light energy and uses it to stimulate and regulate essential cell processes.

After phototherapy skin cells can renew up to 200 % faster. The result is an amazing flawless, glowing skin.

Dermalux uses a medically proven combination of Blue, Red and Near Infrared light to boost collagen production, increase hydration, calm irritation and redness and eliminate bacteria induced problems such as acne.

The Blue light destroys the bacteria which cause spots, it’s particularly effective in acne and conditions where the skin is irritated.

The Red light is a rejuvenating light which energises cells to accelerate renewal, boost collagen and elastin production and increase hydration. All this results in smoother, firmer glowing skin. This light is ideal to treat acne scars.

The Near Infrared light offers advanced rejuvenation benefits, promotes healthy skin, calms redness and irritation and helps to reduce pigmentation.

This light is ideal to treat acne scars.

We can use all three lights in combination to boost and accelerate results.



Exosomes are extracellular vesicles, naturally released by all cells types.

Extracellular vesicles play a crucial role in in intercellular communication, transporting bio active molecules such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids between cells.

Regenerative medicine aims to regenerate various tissues by enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal and repair.

Small extracellular vesicles have been used in many different areas of regenerative medicine, including medical aesthetics.

One advantage of using small extracellular vesicles in regenerative medicine is that they do not trigger an immune response .

They stimulate cell migration and proliferation, angiogenesis, DNA repair, increase number of fibroblasts, boost anti inflammatory response .

Benefits of Exosomes treatment

Accelerating tissue regeneration

Regulating inflammation and immune response

Promoting early wound maturation and scar reduction

Tightening loose skin

Hydrating and promoting healthy skin

Improving skin tone and texture


For all treatment modalities, multiple sessions and combinations of treatments are required for optimal results.



Microneedling: 1 session £ 300

Microneedling with PRP: 1 session £ 350 

Polynucleotides: 1 session from £ 350 depending on number of areas to treat 

LED Phototherapy: 1 session £ 80

Exosomes:  1 session £ 350 

We offer combinations of the above treatments as a bespoke package for individual patients.
